Sunday, March 2, 2008

In The Beginning. . . . .

"Extra, extra, read all about it. . . .!" So said the newsboys of long ago, whenever there was something important to announce. Well, we may not be making any headlines, but today is the first edition publication of what we hope will be a fun, informative, beneficial 'blog'.

Here we are, two ladies in the Tennessee mountains, who share a passion for all things vintage (perhaps because we are somewhat 'vintage' ourselves) and all things jewelry. Together, we've shared adventures in hunting down treasures and learning about trinkets. It's a fun -- and sometimes profitable -- avocation that we hope to expand upon and enjoy!

This blog will be our conduit to the world-wide-web audience of those who share our interest in collecting, so that we might all learn more and find new treasures through shared thoughts.

Hope to hear from you, so feel free to post your comments and/or questions. We two vintage ladies will be waiting!

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